The Manual

Installing and Customizing-Dear Saturday 
In order for you to start blogging and sharing your life with your readers, you’ll find the first steps to working with your template in the following paragraphs.

To install your template, log on to and go to “Template” in the left column of your blog’s menu. There is a grey box in the upper right corner with “Backup/Restore” on it. Click it and Select “Browse File” there. Look for the xml File in the folder you just downloaded. Hit Save and the template is up on your blog. Don't forget to back up

Now it's time to customize your template. The Sidebar will need a few customizations. Add the gadgets you like and toss out the ones you do not need. It might be better to delete a few more than you’re comfortable with, readers tend to like clean blogs more that overcrowded ones. I recommend using as few headings as possible, paste in <none> instead of your heading to let the gadget go without a heading.

The pages are easily made. Just create your sites, using the regular blogger “Pages” tab (right below “Posts”) and safe them. To bring them on your blog you need to add or edit the “Pages” Box in the Layout section. This one is a very wide one. You might need to drag and drop it around until you can see the blue “costumize” link in the lower left corner of the box. Click on it and edit your Pages. Instead of the title, put in <none> for the blog not to display the actual word “Pages”. Then drag around all the Pages you want to have displayed or add external links to other pages.

Now let's work on those social media icons. You'll find the 8 most commonly
used icons in your folder. Chose the ones you need and upload them to a service like photobucket.

Then, on your blog, add a new HTML/Java Script in the Layout section and paste the following code
into it:

<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>
<a href="Your Link"><img src="Image Source" alt="Name"/> </a>

For every "Your link" to copy and paste the link to your social media
profile (please note that there must be a http://  before your link in every case). Your image source link is the direct link from photobucket (etc). The name can simply be "Facebook" or "Join me on Facebook".

Fill in the snippltes you need and delete the ones you don't need. But let
</center> be the last thing in your code. Do not delete that.
Save it and you're done.

Now let’s work on your header.

If you already have a header (a picture etc.) uploaded, you might leave it the way it is or upload it again so it fits the size of the new design.

If you do not already have a header you may use the font that is preinstalled. To achieve the grey and curly red font, you need to split your blog’s title into actual title 

And finally: You have that nice design and you want your viewers to see it! yeaay :D
